Internet Communications Protocols

Internet Communication Protocol
Internet Communications Protocols

Internet Communications ProtocolsComputers connected to the Internet communicate by using the Internet Protocol (IP) which slices during a war, it uses dynamic routing, so that even if one part of the network is knocked out, packets can be rerouted around the problem. Warfare hasn't been a problem for Internet communications (yet but dynamic rerouting helps the Internet deal with other types of equipment failures. Along with IP, most computers on the Internet communicate with Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), and the combination is called TCP/LP.

information into packets (chunks of data to be transmitted separately) and routes them to their destination. Because the Internet was designed to operate even
Before Windows 95, Windows users had to get a separate TCP/IP communications
program, and several free and commercial programs were available. All versions of
Windows starting with Windows 95 come with TCP/IP connection software called
Dial-Up Networking. A similar standard exists for the Macintosh: MacTCP. Macos
7.6.1 or later come with MacTCP compatible Internet connection software. In 7.1.1
through 9.2, it's called Open Transport/PPP or Apple Remote Access. In Mac Os X,
Internet connection software is built right into the underlying UNIX operating system.
